Cunami Kuca 2

Inovativno i upečtljivo je upravo ono što odlikuje ovu montažnu kućicu na reci, a pored toga garantujemo i kvalitetnu izradu, kao i izgradnju po principu „ključ u ruke“, od ekološki prihvatljivih materijala.

  • Klijent: Ethan Hunt
  • Završeno: 5. februar , 2018
  • Tip kuće: Splav
  • Arhitekta Logan Cee

We Are The Leader In The Architectural

For each project we establish relationships with partners who we know will help us create added value for your project. As well as bringing together the public and private sectors, we make sector-overarching links to gather knowledge and to learn from each other
As well as bringing together the public and private sectors, we make sector-overarching links to gather knowledge and to learn from each otherAs well as bringing together the public and private sectors, we make sector-overarching links to gather knowledge and to learn from each other